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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The lowest picture is a view of a storeroom and a bicycle cart. Twin Oaks has an amazing stable of superannuated bicycles, most of which are communal. After two weeks I was tooling around on a once-red, now rust-red model that ran okay as long as you stayed on the farm.
The second shot is the view I saw every morning from near Aurora cabin. The 'garden' or farm, is seen here. That's a greenhouse in the distance with some of the most amazing heirloom tomatoes I ever saw--one weighed four pounds, was yellow and red and orange stripes, and fed around forty people. The top shot is what you saw when you turned off the main road onto Twin Oaks. This is the barn where a lot of chickens live, and it's also the last thing some of the cows ever see.

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