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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Countdown to the Canada move!

It's hard to believe that M-day is almost here. Things are proceeding at the same pace--methodical, with just a hint of panic at the start. Actually I did all the panicking back in December when I contemplated the sheer amount of stuff I had to pack up and move.

Well most of it is packed; the remainder (day to day stuff, including this computer) will be packed up just after Memorial Day. My neighbours purchased a cake (red with white frosting, like the Canadian flag...wait that didn't sound right--the Canadian flag doesn't have frosting...anyway, it's a red velvet cake with white frosting. I am going to make a Vegan quiche and provide wine and some bourbon and so on. If the weather continues cold and nasty, as it is at present, we'll have the function in the splendid lobby of this former hotel. (most of the furnishings are the 1924 originals...I'm going to miss them.)

Gizmo the cat managed to get herself jammed behind the upended animation desk today. The first sign of something wrong was a mad scrabbling sound just behind me. I looked back to see a cat's rear end, from the knees back, pointing straight up in the air; the rest of the cat was stuck behind the desk. The rear end was quite animated however. When I tried to rescue her she kept wildly scrabbling with the rear and unseen front legs; and managed to eventually right herself in a sitting position on top of the desk.

It's funny now, but there is a real danger of the cat hurting herself during this move. I will keep an eagle eye on her when I go onto the new place's balcony; and the first thing I 'm going to do when I get there, after she's unpacked--is put the netting on the railing and tie it on tight. Eventually, she will get out on the balcony no matter what i do. I hope that the concrete surface will prove uninviting to her feet.

So anyway, tomorrow I am going to Roycroft. I want to see the place again since it is not likely that I'll be heading that way again any time soon. It's the only time I can go.

I'll write more about it after I've been. There are earlier articles about it on this blog, if anyone is interested in the place. It's one of the nicest things about Western New York and it should be much better known.

Anyway, that's that...then the final packing starts after the party.

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